Dough Brain 2023
the word spigh pattern - spacey holdelay modifiable risk - confunch the person - ad-juh-lay-ver crackers - and then scatrusted speed - on low speed apathy - long problems with spin-lamb - dough famifear diagnosis - caring factors disjointedly empathise - hold out mum - reserve dawdling stigma for intelligence - trust the repetitive memory-monster - struck by clunkised distask - always kneading lack of delay fuck - a bit funny you muddled palaver - adjust communication poor brain - euphemisms vague low maker - brains run in the forgetful flour - making use of degeneration - precious blame with a high head - political in the mother - unscramble last words - dough brain
Video: 1:10 loop, kitchen table, dough, toy train tracks, conte
Exhibition: The Stables, Octagon. VCA University of Melbourne, 2023
Photo: Alex Lark
Photo: Alex Lark